SNiPERTM carries a Class 4 Non-Toxic rating by the EPA Registry (EPA REG # 71700-2-82482).
SNiPER Biodegradable Cleaner EPA Registered Disinfectant – Bio-deodorizer
Bodily Fluids Spread Diseases… Stop it! with SNiPER
Integrate SNiPER’s powerful formula into your home or workplace to:
Clean – Disinfect and Bio-Deodorize
SNiPER works effectively in a variety of applications including:
Law Enforcement
Vehicle and Facilities
P.P.E and Training Equipment
K-9 and Swat Teams
Fire/EMS Services
Vehicle and Facilities
P.P.E and SCBA
Smoke Mitigation
Agriculture & Food Processing
Animals & Facilities
Dairy Applications
Chicken Farms
Save Young Animal Lives
Hard & Porous Surfaces
Cutting Boards
Refrigerated Coolers
Athletics and Teams
Shoes and Pads/Equipment
Mat Surfaces
Weight Rooms
Kill Ringworm
Theater Groups
Costume Cleaning and Deodorization
Prop cleaning
During and between shows
Pet and Animal Odor Elimination
Skunk, Cat and Dog Odors
Dander, Urine and Feces
Kill Canine Parvo
Kill Ringworm
Environmental Services
Mold Mediation
Mildew Odors
Smoke Odors on Surfaces
SNiPER’s Generated Chlorine Dioxide:
SNiPER is non-flammable, non-corrosive and has a non-harmful Category IV MSDS rating.
Sniper has the highest efficacy and is lab certified to kill:
MRSA (Staph), Canine Parvo, Swine Flu, Avian Flu, E. Coli, Salmonella and much more. . .
Aspergillus, Stachybotrys and much more…
Mold and Mildew and Foul Odors
VOCs: Formaldehyde, Ammonia, H2S and more
Cigarette and fire SMOKE
No Residue or Film
Provides Residual Protection
Removes and Inactivates Biofilms
Removes Bio Odors
No Harmful Chemical Vapors
Environmentally Friendly
How Does SNiPER® Work? SNiPER® is a non-harmful, biodegradable all purpose cleaner for use on hard surfaces and textiles. SNiPER® is also an EPA (Environmental Protection Agency) registered broad spectrum disinfectant and bio-deodorizer. This combination makes sniper an excellent cleaning and disinfecting system that far exceeds other cleaning products. It’s biodegradable so it is effective and safe for anyone to use in your home, school or business.
SNiPER®’s, proprietary chlorine dioxide chemistry forms stable chlorine dioxide, that causes a mechanical action that inactivates its microbial threats. As a result, pathogens do not become immune to SNiPER®.
The proprietary formulation SNiPER® makes it a unique disinfection system against viruses, bacteria, fungi and spores, while still being safe for humans, pets, and the environment. Kills over 140 different bacteria and viruses (including harmful swine flu, bird flu, C. Diff, E. Coli, as well as resilient molds and spores. Eliminates bad odors caused from smoke, urine, vomit, bodily fluids, ammonia, and more. It is quick acting, non-toxic, environmentally-safe, and highly effective.
SNiPER® is more effective than bleach: Bleach has been around for many years and is often considered the best way to quickly disinfect surfaces. Even though bleach is advertised at killing 99.9% of germs, many bacteria in our environment have built up a protective film, called “biofilm”, against the penetration of bleach or other disinfectants. Essentially, bleach fails to penetrate this biofilm and will only clean so far. Harmful viruses (such as swine flu, bird flu, C. Diff, and others) can be hidden under this biofilm and will not be eliminated by bleach. This biofilm is found everywhere and on all surfaces. SNiPER® breaks down the biofilm, exposing the “protected” germs beneath and then keeps on killing to totally eliminate bacteria. One application of SNiPER® often takes the worse contaminated surfaces and turns them into “food safe” surfaces.
SNiPER® has a broader efficacy than traditional alcohol and phenol based disinfectants. It has been named “The Ideal Biocide“ by Herman Sabath, PhD. MPH CMC/CMI, Global Leader in Microbial Infections and Indoor Environments.
Eliminates odor better than odor absorbents: Most odor eliminators simply coat odors with a film that allows them to reappear 7-10 days later. These chemical odor absorbents will also emit harmful VOC’s or carcinogens into the air. SNiPER® does neither. Instead it completely kills the odor causing bacteria and does not emit any VOC’s or carcinogens in the air. SNiPER® is non-toxic and water-based.