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SNiPER and Hydrogen Peroxide…

Hydrogen Peroxide products have been emerging as alternative products to the much more abrasive, bleaches and quats. HP has good efficacy without the corrosive components and serious toxic concerns as the widely used chemicals, with harsh side effects, on the market.

Key differences with SNiPER and ClO2:

SNiPERTM is still less abrasive on inhalation, eye contact, and in some products (Accelerated HP, higher concentrations) on skin contact. In high end applications (medical for example) some products promote deployment through a electric sprayer machines. Some of these machines require that the roomed be sealed off and the machine set in the room for (X) amount of time. Due to SNiPER’s milder effects the same level (if not better) disinfection can be achieved through the use of atomizing sprayers completing thorough coverage in minutes. This application provides much better efficiency.

A Little About Hydrogen Peroxide

Hydrogen peroxide is a powerful oxidizer. It reacts with a variety of substances. It is therefore diluted during transport, as a safety measure. However, for hydrogen peroxide disinfection, high concentrations are required. Hydrogen peroxide slowly decomposes into water and oxygen. An elevation of temperature and the presence of pollution enhance this process.

Exposure to hydrogen peroxide takes place through inhalation of damp or mist, through food uptake and through skin or eye contact. Hydrogen peroxide can irritate the eyes, skin and mucous membranes. Exposure of the eyes to concentrations of 5% or more can result in permanent eye damage. Tests with laboratory animals from the American International Agency on Cancer Research (IARC) show that hydrogen peroxide can be carcinogenic to animals. Laboratory tests with bacteria show that hydrogen peroxide is mutagenic; it changes and damages DNA. When humans inhale hydrogen peroxide, it causes lung irritation. Skin exposure causes painful blisters, burns and skin whitening. Organs that are extra susceptive to hydrogen peroxide exposure are the lungs, the intestines, the thymus, the liver and the kidneys. The effects of chronic exposure on humans are unknown.

A Little About Chlorine Dioxide

By comparing the oxidation strength and oxidation capacity of different disinfectants, the conclusion can be reached that chlorine dioxide is effective at low concentrations; less chlorine dioxide is required to obtain an active residual disinfectant. It can also be used when a large amount of organic matter is present. Chlorine dioxide disinfects through oxidation. It is the only biocide that is a molecular free radical.

Substances of organic nature in bacterial cells react with chlorine dioxide, causing several cellular processes to be interrupted. Chlorine dioxide reacts directly with amino acids and the RNA in the cell. When bacteria are eliminated, the cell wall is penetrated by chlorine dioxide. Viruses are eliminated in a different way; chlorine dioxide reacts with peptone, a water-soluble substance that originates from hydrolisis of proteins to amino acids. Chlorine dioxide kills viruses by prevention of protein formation and is more effective against viruses than chlorine or ozone. Chlorine dioxide is a more effective disinfectant than chlorine, causing the required concentration to kill microorganisms to be much lower. The required contact time is also very low.

SNiPERTM  Disinfection Technology provides a unique formulation with Chlorine Dioxide by harnessing the powerful disinfecting properties of ClO2 without any of the harsh side effects seen with other chemical disinfectants, even those like Hydrogen Peroxide, that offer less corrosive and flammability concerns but can still pose health issues to the eyes and respiratory and leaves behind an strong and offensive odor if heavily deployed.

Deploying the products side by side will give the biggest advantage to SNiPERTM  and if you bring in all of SNiPER’s versatility you will really begin to show how SNiPERTM  is the superior product:

Such as…

  1. Versatility, efficiency, and ease of application for disinfection

  2. All-purpose cleaning

  3. Odor elimination and problem control areas

  4. VOC elimination

  5. Product safety

  6. SNiPER does not have any strong chemical or fragrance odors

  7. HP can leave behind a strong chemical odor that also can have significant side effects on the eyes (burning) and raspatory

  8. etc…



Industrial Disinfectant Powerful Enough
to Kill the Most Resistant of Bacteria. SNiPER’s management and stability technology of ClO2 is environmentally friendly. Toxicological studies have shown that Chlorine dioxide disinfection pose no significant risk to human or animals. Gentle enough to use on common surfaces and pets.



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